FTIR Analysis of the State of Water in Radiation Grafted ETFE Anion Exchange Membrane for Fuel Cell Applications Proceedings Paper (Web of Science)


  • Infrared study of water in a poly(ethylene-co-tetrafuloroethylene) anion exchange membrane at different level of hydration (%RH 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100) was performed using a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microscope. FTIR spectra showed at least two different states of water present in the membrane. The presence of both the non-hydrogen bonded water molecules at the lower hydration level and the hydrogen bonded water molecules at the higher hydration level, unambiguously, are altered with changing humidity.


  • Pandey, Tara Prasad
  • Herring, Andrew M

publication date

  • 2013

number of pages

  • 5

start page

  • 1361

end page

  • 1366


  • 58


  • 1