Muscle relaxants as adjunctive analgesics in the perioperative setting: A review of the literature Article (Web of Science)


  • Patients undergoing surgical procedures are one of the few populations that still require substantial doses of opioid medications to provide analgesia, despite the best efforts of clinicians to integrate non-opioid adjunctive analgesics into practice. While many options exist with varying degrees of evidence, one drug class that deserves renewed consideration are muscle relaxants. Although these medications have differing mechanisms of action and require a more thorough evaluation of patient parameters prior to administration as opposed to other adjunctive analgesics, it is readily apparent by the results of this review that these agents may be able to mitigate pain and limit opioid usage. The objective of this review was to determine the efficacy and safety of adjunctive muscle relaxers for the purposes of analgesia in the perioperative setting.


publication date

  • 2023

published in

number of pages

  • 5

start page

  • 62

end page

  • 67


  • 33


  • 3